Beyrouth, entre ruine lente et violente

Objectives of Project: 

  • Interview people who have benefited from the assistance of the Association for Community and Environment for the rehabilitation of doors, windows and wrought iron.
  • Interview with artisans who have worked for the ACE association
  • Implementation of a draft of a booklet on Beirut’s forgotten/heritage
  • Preparation of a project proposal  with ALIPH for the purpose of creating a workshop to revive Lebanese art and ensure its continuity on woodwork and wrought iron


For donations and sponsorship please contact us:

Tel: + 961 5 953 927

Cell: + 961 70 756 464



Tel: + 961 5 953 927

Cell: + 961 70 756 464

Beirut, Lebanon

Tyre Historical Quarter “Al Hara”, Plot 147/3, Catholic Alley, Tyre, Lebanon

8am – 4pm daily