Ensuring effective management and governance in Sites of Ecological Importance and expanding biodiversity protection in Southern Lebanon – BioConnect

Ensuring effective management and governance in Sites of Ecological Importance and expanding biodiversity protection in Southern Lebanon – BioConnect

Ensuring effective management and governance in Sites of Ecological Importance and expanding biodiversity protection in Southern Lebanon – BioConnect

Project Funded by the EU

Objectives of Project:
– Studying and reporting of bat species in Jezzine and Shouf Biosphere Reserve,
– Studying Geo-sites and associated biodiversity,
– Creating communication material on the importance of substratum, geo-ethics, and geo-hazards,
– Establishing Jezzine-Shouf aspiring Geopark,
– Conducting spatial analysis and 3D modeling and renderings of significant ecology, and
– Developing a legal framework for the protection of biodiversity-rich trail.
Results of Project:
– Enhanced the management and governance of ecologically important sites
– Enhanced awareness for communities and decision-makers
– Landscape Conservation and Connectivity